Brewster Grand Concert – fretless. C1900.
The project banjo from my earlier post. After more than enough time it took to raise a family, the task is done. Done as much as I want to, or dare. The worst neck grooves now filled and flatted. New 12 1/8″ head fitted – goat vellum. Rim nickle plating still good as new after over 100 years – replaced a couple of missing brackets. New bridge, 5th string peg, strings, position dot… cleaned and polished.
I’m sure a lot of purists will be critical of some of my detail ‘modernisations’. Such as replacing the old violin pegs with more ‘modern’ friction pegs. However my philosophy is that instruments are meant to be played. I’m a musician not a collector (though my wife would probably disagree with you on both counts).
The next thing you’ll probably want know is what does it sound like? Well initially it was not an easy instrument to play. I was advised to try stringing it with nylon. I was reluctant to do this as itwas apparent that originall it was shod with steel – the neck grooving and cuts in the violin pegs were witness to that.
But now, with nylon strings it is a delight. Next post will probably be a demo.